
test post 2

Using BidVertiser: Pros

* Adsense pays using check but BidVertiser pays through Paypal, which is faster.
* Adsense’s minimum payout is $100 but BidVertiser’s minimum payout is $10, which is quicker.
* BidVertiser allows you to choose the ads to open in a new window, which lets your web/blog stays open and hopefully to have visitors come back easily to your site.
* You can approve ads manually with BidVertiser, not with Adsense.
* You can test to see the final ads template with BidVertiser, not with Adsense.
* You can choose to display eBay auction ads with BidVertiser, but not with Adsense.
* With BidVertiser, you can see the amount of money advertisers are bidding on the ads that will be displayed on your site. With Adsense, you have to use other system (e.g. AdWords) which is not as easy.

Using BidVertiser: Cons

* There are complaints of slow page loads using BidVertiser, not with Adsense. This creates major problems for users.
* Adsense ads are more relevant and thus get higher click-throughs. This is because Adsense has more advertisers in their pool to offer the right ads for any keywords.
* Because there are more advertisers competing in Adsense, chances are ads in Adsense pays more per click.
* There complaints that BidVertiser doesn’t pay on time after reaching the min payout of $10. Adsense reputation in payment is better.

The decision which is better to use is left for individuals to take.

Test post 1

This template is a variation from the Semipro template. Everything is changed completely by using the Settings panel - easy! I did this just to show that you can change a lot of things just from the Settings. In the default Blogger templates and most of other free templates, you can change only a few things from the Settings - if you want to change a lot more than you have to modify the codes. I doubt most people want to deal with those CSS codes. So I'm making things easier for you guys/gals. All I ask is that you leave the credit to my blog as it is, and promote my Blog if you can :) For the record, there's no way I'm making things free just for the fun of it - it's for the traffic for sure!